East River Resch Family Trail
The Village offers over 2 miles of scenic multi-use trail along the East River. The trail runs from Manderly Way to Westminster Drive. Parking or trail access can be found off of Westminster Drive, the west portion of the Rite Place parking lot, and at the end of Manderly Way. The East River Trail connects 5 communities along the East River, beginning in Ledgeview on the south end of the trail to Green Bay on the north end of the trail.

Brown County Bicycle Maps
The Brown County Bicycle Map was created for residents and tourists of Brown County. The map was developed in order to emphasize alternative forms of on-street transportation and recreation. The map identifies existing bicycle lanes and preferred routes that retain continuous routes when bicycle lanes are not available. Preferred routes were developed with the assistance of a large group of area individuals whose bicycling talents ranged from not touching a bike for years, to UWGB students, to bicycle club members, to transportation and planning professionals, to semi-professional bicyclists who practice on Brown County streets. This allows the map to assist a great variety and diversity of map users. The map data gathered was reviewed and then organized and refined by a core group of county staff, municipality staff, bicycle advocates, bicycle retailers, and interested public and private agencies.
Click HERE to access the Brown County Bicycle Map.