For questions relating to your water bill, please contact Green Bay Water Utility at (920) 448-3485.
GB Water Hours
Memorial Day - Labor Day
M-TH: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
F: 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
September - May
M-F: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

For questions relating to possible water issues, please contact the Village Office at (920) 468-5225 ext. 5.
Village of Bellevue Hours
M-TH: 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
F: 7:00a.m. - Noon
The Village's Water Utility is responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement and operating services for the Village’s Water system. Water is purchased from the Manitowoc Public Utilities through the Central Brown County Water Authority. The Village ensures that the 76.0 miles of transmission mains, 1218 valves, 3 water towers, and 808 public fire hydrants are all functioning properly. The Utility services 1 industrial, 3850 residential, 417 commercial, 178 multifamily residential and 12 public authority customers with an annual consumption of 422 million gallons of water serving a population of over 14,700. View 2023 Consumer Confidence Report.
Monitor your water usage with AquaHawk
Residents who are receiving new water meters have the ability to enroll in the free water usage monitoring tool AquaHawk. AquaHawk allows users to perform a number of functions such as monitoring monthly water usage, set budget limits and notifications if their usage is trending in line with that budget, receive leak alerts and much more! Click here to learn more about this great, free, tool.
The Village is committed to maintaining an efficient sanitary sewer system by using proper equipment and well trained employees to provide efficient operation of the sewer system.
The Sanitary Sewer Utility is responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement and operating services for the Village’s sanitary sewer system. The Village ensures that the 70.57 miles of mains and 1,295 manholes remain clear of obstructions and pipe integrity is maintained.
Love your pipes! Click here to learn more about what you can do to help maintain the sanitary sewer pipes in your home to ensure smooth and efficient operation.
The Storm Water Utility maintains the Village’s storm water system including storm sewers, creeks, streams, and drainage ditches, and ponds. The objectives of the SMU are to achieve and maintain compliance with federal and state water quality regulations, to protect wildlife, and protect private property through erosion control efforts and floodplain management.