Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Annual Reports
2020 - MS4 Annual Permit submittal
Permit attachments
Stormwater map
TMDL compliance plan
For questions or comments on the Village's annual MS4 Reports, feel free to contact our Public Works Department, here.
The Storm Water Utility maintains the Village’s storm water system including storm sewers, creeks, streams, and drainage ditches, and ponds. The objectives of the SWU are to achieve and maintain compliance with federal and WPDES-WI-S050075-2., to protect wildlife, and protect private property through erosion control efforts and floodplain management. The Village is also regulated to discharge of a maximum daily allowance into drainage ways through Bellevue. These objectives are achieved through various planning efforts, ordinance enforcement, construction of new storm water management systems, and maintenance of existing systems. The Village maintains 55.07 miles of storm sewer mains, 766 manholes, and 136 outfalls. The department is in the process of accurately inventorying the number of catch basins and leads. Each year the Village cleans the catch basins, inspects the outfalls, and makes repairs to the system. The Village also sweeps 114.5 curb miles of streets once per month between April and November each year.

Heavy rainfall events can significantly impact the quality of local surface waters, which increases the amount of Inflow and Infiltration if a community implements poor storm water management practices. The Department of Public Works handles the construction and maintenance of new and existing storm water management systems that meet state and federal water quality regulations, but the performance of these systems is extremely dependent on the community practicing safe disposal of waste and hazardous materials and the development of land with a consideration for Best Management Practices.
The Department of Public Works is more than happy to offer resource materials that can be used by citizens to help improve the effectiveness of the municipality’s storm water management systems, because the taxpayers deserve to get the most out of their investment. Mentioned below are methods such as Rain Barrels and Rain Garden/Retention Ponds that are effective ways of improving your storm water management practices.
These management practices are fairly simple and offer multiple benefits to citizens who implement them. For example, one small scale individual benefit for a citizen who decides to install a rain barrel could be a reduction in their water bill, because the water from the rain barrel can be used to water plants and lawns, coincidentally resulting in an aesthetically pleasing neighborhood that could see a rise in property value appraisals! On a bigger scale, these rain barrels help improve surface water quality, which can result in higher waterfront property values and make our local surface waters an economically viable resource for recreation and tourism.
Rain gardens can absorb 30% more rainfall than a conventional lawn, and after installation require less maintenance. They also help beautify your landscape and may make your yard the talk of the neighborhood!

The Village also has several Stormwater Retention Ponds that help slow and control the release of storm water into local waterways and underground aquifers. These ponds are very low maintenance, but there are a few things citizens can do to help the department ensure that they remain effective and not an annoyance.
*Report odor problems or visible damage to shorelines or slopes. *Report excessive algae growth. *Do not dump anything into the pond.

Any issue should be reported to the Village of Bellevue Office (920)-468-5225
Conservative waterfront property management can also have a profound impact on surface water quality. There are many easy, low maintenance practices that property owners could adopt to see cleaner water off their shores. Owners of waterfront property that have already lost most of its natural appeal may also want to consider shoreline restoration.

Grass Clippings
We would like to remind you that what goes into the curb and into the storm sewer ends up in our creeks and the East River. Lawn clippings must be removed from streets and driveways after mowing your yard. Failure to do so is a violation of Village ordinance and is subject to a citation. Lawn clippings in our waterways destroy the quality of the water. All complaints of long grass are considered to be a nuisance and will be dealt with as such. A nuisance is a violation. Remember, it is also illegal to dispose of your lawn clippings on vacant lands or public right of way. If you choose to collect your lawn clippings, please do your part to protect the environment. Drop them off at the Yard Waste site on open days.
Important instructions on Clean Water Discharges: Don’t do it!
Ordinance 368-28 -No Clean Water Discharges No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any unpolluted waters such as stormwater, ground water, roof rain, subsurface, drainage or collecting water to any sanitary sewer. If your sump pump or roof drains are connected to the sanitary sewer system, this must cease immediately.
Clean, unpolluted water from sump pumps or rain gutters cannot be discharged into the sanitary sewer utility. Treatment of these waste streams is expensive and the NEW Water (Formerly Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District) expects these costs to continue to rise as they begin a Capital Improvement Project. Storm water must be handled by storm water management systems to reduce the burden on our sanitary sewer system and keep our sewer rates low. For more information on clean water discharges, click here.